Finding Balance With DBT’s Wise Mind

Wise Mind is a highly-effective core skill used Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). According to DBT, we have three states of mind: reasonable mind, emotion mind, and wise mind. Wise mind is thought of as the balance or integration of the reasonable and the emotion mind. Reasonable mind is the rational part of you, just-the-facts, thinking state of mind where you are ruled by logic. When you find yourself governed by emotion mind, your emotions are in control. You tend to be led by strong feelings and desires. Both states have their value and provide important information, but it’s easy to become stuck in one state of mind, being either cut-off from emotions or controlled by emotions. That is where wise mind becomes an important ally in your goal to have a more balanced life and state of mind.

In dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), the goal is to have wise mind available to you in situations where you are pulled to an extreme state or polarization. Wise mind is the integration or intersection of the reasonable mind and the emotion mind. Put another way, wise mind is your intuition or inner wisdom. It’s the state where you are wisely able to balance between the cool detachment of reason, and the wild current of emotion mind. Incorporating this wise mind DBT practice allows you to find balance between inaction and the active state of doing. Practicing wise mind allows you to engage in your life with awareness, with the goal of mindful presence.

If you are prone to impulsivity, practicing wise mind allows you to make decisions that support your life, and ultimately improve your self-esteem and self-worth. As you begin this practice, notice when a feeling, thought or potential action arises, take a pause, and ask yourself, “Is this wise mind?” No need to respond quickly, allow yourself to just breathe and see if an answer comes to you. It is the pause that becomes a healing resource for you, allowing you to implement wise mind. Of course, learning new psychological skills takes time and requires practice. You are free to search the internet for DBT and other helpful DBT skills like wise mind. If you struggle with emotional regulation and feel that this aspect of you hijacks your life, you might consider finding a DBT therapist or a DBT group. I am confident that, with practice, wise mind will become a favorite skill in your quest to become balanced.

DBT was originally developed for Borderline Personality Disorder, but has found to have many more applications in mental health. It is an incredibly useful modality to help individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, eating disorders, addictions and more.

About Holistic Psychotherapy & Wellness Manhattan

Kimberly Seelbrede, LCSW is a New York State licensed Psychotherapist, EMDR Practitioner and Couple Therapist with a private practice in New York City, Montana and virtually. As a wellness psychotherapist and holistic consultant, she has receive advanced, extensive training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Somatic Experiencing (SE), and Nutrition & Integrative Medicine For Mental Health. She is passionate about honoring the exquisite interplay of the mind-body connection. Kimberly Seelbrede specializes in anxiety & mood disorders, trauma and women’s mental health.

In addition to online therapy for anxiety, depression, trauma and relationship struggles, Holistic Psychotherapy & Wellness offers a wide variety of online services to fit the needs of busy professionals. New Yorkers often lead fast-paced and complex lives, which makes work-life balance and managing career, family and social obligations a challenge. Psychotherapy and wellness practices provides the support to help clients cultivate resources, resilience and enhanced emotional health, as well as uncover conflicts and obstacles that may interfere with having the life they desire.

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Virtual EMDR Therapy NYC

Teletherapy NYC

Concierge Therapy NYC

Integrative Medicine & Mental Health

Couple Therapy NYC

Holistic Psychotherapy & Wellness Manhattan

New York City Psychotherapist, EMDR & Couples Therapist, KIM SEELBREDE, LCSW, is an EMDR Specialist and Relationship Expert, Therapist & Life Coach in New York City & Bozeman Montana and provides CBT & DBT Therapy, Mindfulness, EMDR Therapy, Couples Therapy, Relationship Expert Advice, Panic Disorder Specialist, Clinical Supervision, Private Practice Building Consultations, Stress Expert and anxiety therapist, depression therapy, addictions specialist, eating disorders expert, self-esteem psychotherapist, relationships in Manhattan, New York City, Connecticut, Westchester, South Hampton, East Hampton, Sag Harbor. Advice, wisdom, blogging, blog for mental health, stress, self-care, meditation, mindfulness, girl & female empowerment, beauty advice, anti-aging, hormone and health support, mood and anxiety help, lifestyle problems, gay and lesbian issues, power of intention, positivity, positive psychology, education, rehab resources, recovery support for individuals and families, abuse victims, neurobiology news, coping skills for self-harm and substance abuse, food as medicine, nutrition coaching, sexuality concerns, sex expert, sexuality, sex therapy, menopause, PMS, postpartum depression referrals.

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